A Symmetry-Aware Exploration of Bayesian Neural Network Posteriors
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2310.08287v1
- Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2023 12:45:13 GMT
- Title: A Symmetry-Aware Exploration of Bayesian Neural Network Posteriors
- Authors: Olivier Laurent, Emanuel Aldea and Gianni Franchi
- Abstract summary: The distribution of the weights of modern deep neural networks (DNNs) is an eminently complex object due to its extremely high dimensionality.
This paper proposes one of the first large-scale explorations of the posterior distribution of BNNs, expanding its study to real-world vision tasks and architectures.
- Score: 5.54475507578913
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: The distribution of the weights of modern deep neural networks (DNNs) -
crucial for uncertainty quantification and robustness - is an eminently complex
object due to its extremely high dimensionality. This paper proposes one of the
first large-scale explorations of the posterior distribution of deep Bayesian
Neural Networks (BNNs), expanding its study to real-world vision tasks and
architectures. Specifically, we investigate the optimal approach for
approximating the posterior, analyze the connection between posterior quality
and uncertainty quantification, delve into the impact of modes on the
posterior, and explore methods for visualizing the posterior. Moreover, we
uncover weight-space symmetries as a critical aspect for understanding the
posterior. To this extent, we develop an in-depth assessment of the impact of
both permutation and scaling symmetries that tend to obfuscate the Bayesian
posterior. While the first type of transformation is known for duplicating
modes, we explore the relationship between the latter and L2 regularization,
challenging previous misconceptions. Finally, to help the community improve our
understanding of the Bayesian posterior, we will shortly release the first
large-scale checkpoint dataset, including thousands of real-world models and
our codes.
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