An Expression Tree Decoding Strategy for Mathematical Equation
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- Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2023 09:28:54 GMT
- Title: An Expression Tree Decoding Strategy for Mathematical Equation
- Authors: Wenqi Zhang, Yongliang Shen, Qingpeng Nong, Zeqi Tan, Yanna Ma,
Weiming Lu
- Abstract summary: Existing approaches can be broadly categorized into token-level and expression-level generation.
Expression-level methods generate each expression one by one.
Each expression represents a solving step, and there naturally exist parallel or dependent relations between these steps.
We integrate tree structure into the expression-level generation and advocate an expression tree decoding strategy.
- Score: 24.131972875875952
- License:
- Abstract: Generating mathematical equations from natural language requires an accurate
understanding of the relations among math expressions. Existing approaches can
be broadly categorized into token-level and expression-level generation. The
former treats equations as a mathematical language, sequentially generating
math tokens. Expression-level methods generate each expression one by one.
However, each expression represents a solving step, and there naturally exist
parallel or dependent relations between these steps, which are ignored by
current sequential methods. Therefore, we integrate tree structure into the
expression-level generation and advocate an expression tree decoding strategy.
To generate a tree with expression as its node, we employ a layer-wise parallel
decoding strategy: we decode multiple independent expressions (leaf nodes) in
parallel at each layer and repeat parallel decoding layer by layer to
sequentially generate these parent node expressions that depend on others.
Besides, a bipartite matching algorithm is adopted to align multiple
predictions with annotations for each layer. Experiments show our method
outperforms other baselines, especially for these equations with complex
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