Scalable Neural Network Kernels
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- Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 21:02:04 GMT
- Title: Scalable Neural Network Kernels
- Authors: Arijit Sehanobish, Krzysztof Choromanski, Yunfan Zhao, Avinava Dubey,
Valerii Likhosherstov
- Abstract summary: We introduce scalable neural network kernels (SNNKs), capable of approximating regular feedforward layers (FFLs)
We also introduce the neural network bundling process that applies SNNKs to compactify deep neural network architectures.
Our mechanism provides up to 5x reduction in the number of trainable parameters, while maintaining competitive accuracy.
- Score: 22.299704296356836
- License:
- Abstract: We introduce the concept of scalable neural network kernels (SNNKs), the
replacements of regular feedforward layers (FFLs), capable of approximating the
latter, but with favorable computational properties. SNNKs effectively
disentangle the inputs from the parameters of the neural network in the FFL,
only to connect them in the final computation via the dot-product kernel. They
are also strictly more expressive, as allowing to model complicated
relationships beyond the functions of the dot-products of parameter-input
vectors. We also introduce the neural network bundling process that applies
SNNKs to compactify deep neural network architectures, resulting in additional
compression gains. In its extreme version, it leads to the fully bundled
network whose optimal parameters can be expressed via explicit formulae for
several loss functions (e.g. mean squared error), opening a possibility to
bypass backpropagation. As a by-product of our analysis, we introduce the
mechanism of the universal random features (or URFs), applied to instantiate
several SNNK variants, and interesting on its own in the context of scalable
kernel methods. We provide rigorous theoretical analysis of all these concepts
as well as an extensive empirical evaluation, ranging from point-wise kernel
estimation to Transformers' fine-tuning with novel adapter layers inspired by
SNNKs. Our mechanism provides up to 5x reduction in the number of trainable
parameters, while maintaining competitive accuracy.
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