Tightening continuity bounds for entropies and bounds on quantum capacities
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2310.17329v3
- Date: Wed, 08 Jan 2025 11:19:09 GMT
- Title: Tightening continuity bounds for entropies and bounds on quantum capacities
- Authors: Michael G. Jabbour, Nilanjana Datta,
- Abstract summary: We prove a tight uniform continuity bound for the Shannon entropy in terms of both the local- and total variation distances.
We also obtain a uniform continuity bound for the von Neumann entropy in terms of both the operator norm- and trace distances.
- Score: 12.891210250935146
- License:
- Abstract: Uniform continuity bounds on entropies are generally expressed in terms of a single distance measure between a pair of probability distributions or quantum states, typically, the total variation distance or trace distance. However, if an additional distance measure between the probability distributions or states is known, then the continuity bounds can be significantly strengthened. Here, we prove a tight uniform continuity bound for the Shannon entropy in terms of both the local- and total variation distances, sharpening an inequality proven in [I. Sason, IEEE Trans. Inf. Th., 59, 7118 (2013)]. We also obtain a uniform continuity bound for the von Neumann entropy in terms of both the operator norm- and trace distances. The bound is tight when the quotient of the trace distance by the operator norm distance is an integer. We then apply our results to compute upper bounds on the quantum- and private classical capacities of channels. We begin by refining the concept of approximate degradable channels, namely, $\varepsilon$-degradable channels, which are, by definition, $\varepsilon$-close in diamond norm to their complementary channel when composed with a degrading channel. To this end, we introduce the notion of $(\varepsilon,\nu)$-degradable channels; these are $\varepsilon$-degradable channels that are, in addition, $\nu$-close in completely bounded spectral norm to their complementary channel, when composed with the same degrading channel. This allows us to derive improved upper bounds to the quantum- and private classical capacities of such channels. Moreover, these bounds can be further improved by considering certain unstabilized versions of the above norms. We show that upper bounds on the latter can be efficiently expressed as semidefinite programs. We illustrate our results by obtaining a new upper bound on the quantum capacity of the qubit depolarizing channel.
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