Parrot-Trained Adversarial Examples: Pushing the Practicality of
Black-Box Audio Attacks against Speaker Recognition Models
- URL:
- Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2023 21:34:33 GMT
- Title: Parrot-Trained Adversarial Examples: Pushing the Practicality of
Black-Box Audio Attacks against Speaker Recognition Models
- Authors: Rui Duan, Zhe Qu, Leah Ding, Yao Liu, Zhuo Lu
- Abstract summary: Black-box attacks still require certain information from the speaker recognition model to be effective.
This work aims to push the practicality of the black-box attacks by minimizing the attacker's knowledge about a target speaker recognition model.
We propose a new mechanism, called parrot training, to generate AEs against the target model.
- Score: 18.796342190114064
- License:
- Abstract: Audio adversarial examples (AEs) have posed significant security challenges
to real-world speaker recognition systems. Most black-box attacks still require
certain information from the speaker recognition model to be effective (e.g.,
keeping probing and requiring the knowledge of similarity scores). This work
aims to push the practicality of the black-box attacks by minimizing the
attacker's knowledge about a target speaker recognition model. Although it is
not feasible for an attacker to succeed with completely zero knowledge, we
assume that the attacker only knows a short (or a few seconds) speech sample of
a target speaker. Without any probing to gain further knowledge about the
target model, we propose a new mechanism, called parrot training, to generate
AEs against the target model. Motivated by recent advancements in voice
conversion (VC), we propose to use the one short sentence knowledge to generate
more synthetic speech samples that sound like the target speaker, called parrot
speech. Then, we use these parrot speech samples to train a parrot-trained(PT)
surrogate model for the attacker. Under a joint transferability and perception
framework, we investigate different ways to generate AEs on the PT model
(called PT-AEs) to ensure the PT-AEs can be generated with high transferability
to a black-box target model with good human perceptual quality. Real-world
experiments show that the resultant PT-AEs achieve the attack success rates of
45.8% - 80.8% against the open-source models in the digital-line scenario and
47.9% - 58.3% against smart devices, including Apple HomePod (Siri), Amazon
Echo, and Google Home, in the over-the-air scenario.
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