X2-Softmax: Margin Adaptive Loss Function for Face Recognition
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2312.05281v2
- Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2023 12:20:22 GMT
- Title: X2-Softmax: Margin Adaptive Loss Function for Face Recognition
- Authors: Jiamu Xu, Xiaoxiang Liu, Xinyuan Zhang, Yain-Whar Si, Xiaofan Li,
Zheng Shi, Ke Wang, Xueyuan Gong
- Abstract summary: We propose a new angular margin loss named X2-Softmax.
X2-Softmax loss has adaptive angular margins, which provide the margin that increases with the angle between different classes growing.
We have trained the neural network with X2-Softmax loss on the MS1Mv3 dataset.
- Score: 6.497884034818003
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Learning the discriminative features of different faces is an important task
in face recognition. By extracting face features in neural networks, it becomes
easy to measure the similarity of different face images, which makes face
recognition possible. To enhance the neural network's face feature
separability, incorporating an angular margin during training is common
practice. State-of-the-art loss functions CosFace and ArcFace apply fixed
margins between weights of classes to enhance the inter-class separation of
face features. Since the distribution of samples in the training set is
imbalanced, similarities between different identities are unequal. Therefore,
using an inappropriately fixed angular margin may lead to the problem that the
model is difficult to converge or the face features are not discriminative
enough. It is more in line with our intuition that the margins are angular
adaptive, which could increase with the angles between classes growing. In this
paper, we propose a new angular margin loss named X2-Softmax. X2-Softmax loss
has adaptive angular margins, which provide the margin that increases with the
angle between different classes growing. The angular adaptive margin ensures
model flexibility and effectively improves the effect of face recognition. We
have trained the neural network with X2-Softmax loss on the MS1Mv3 dataset and
tested it on several evaluation benchmarks to demonstrate the effectiveness and
superiority of our loss function.
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