Test Generation Strategies for Building Failure Models and Explaining
Spurious Failures
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2312.05631v1
- Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2023 18:36:15 GMT
- Title: Test Generation Strategies for Building Failure Models and Explaining
Spurious Failures
- Authors: Baharin Aliashrafi Jodat, Abhishek Chandar, Shiva Nejati, Mehrdad
- Abstract summary: Test inputs fail not only when the system under test is faulty but also when the inputs are invalid or unrealistic.
We propose to build failure models for inferring interpretable rules on test inputs that cause spurious failures.
We show that our proposed surrogate-assisted approach generates failure models with an average accuracy of 83%.
- Score: 4.995172162560306
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Test inputs fail not only when the system under test is faulty but also when
the inputs are invalid or unrealistic. Failures resulting from invalid or
unrealistic test inputs are spurious. Avoiding spurious failures improves the
effectiveness of testing in exercising the main functions of a system,
particularly for compute-intensive (CI) systems where a single test execution
takes significant time. In this paper, we propose to build failure models for
inferring interpretable rules on test inputs that cause spurious failures. We
examine two alternative strategies for building failure models: (1) machine
learning (ML)-guided test generation and (2) surrogate-assisted test
generation. ML-guided test generation infers boundary regions that separate
passing and failing test inputs and samples test inputs from those regions.
Surrogate-assisted test generation relies on surrogate models to predict labels
for test inputs instead of exercising all the inputs. We propose a novel
surrogate-assisted algorithm that uses multiple surrogate models
simultaneously, and dynamically selects the prediction from the most accurate
model. We empirically evaluate the accuracy of failure models inferred based on
surrogate-assisted and ML-guided test generation algorithms. Using case studies
from the domains of cyber-physical systems and networks, we show that our
proposed surrogate-assisted approach generates failure models with an average
accuracy of 83%, significantly outperforming ML-guided test generation and two
baselines. Further, our approach learns failure-inducing rules that identify
genuine spurious failures as validated against domain knowledge.
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