RankMatch: A Novel Approach to Semi-Supervised Label Distribution
Learning Leveraging Inter-label Correlations
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2312.06343v1
- Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 12:47:29 GMT
- Title: RankMatch: A Novel Approach to Semi-Supervised Label Distribution
Learning Leveraging Inter-label Correlations
- Authors: Kouzhiqiang Yucheng Xie, Jing Wang, Yuheng Jia, Boyu Shi, Xin Geng
- Abstract summary: This paper introduces RankMatch, an innovative approach for Semi-Supervised Label Distribution Learning (SSLDL)
RankMatch effectively utilizes a small number of labeled examples in conjunction with a larger quantity of unlabeled data.
We establish a theoretical generalization bound for RankMatch, and through extensive experiments, demonstrate its superiority in performance against existing SSLDL methods.
- Score: 52.549807652527306
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: This paper introduces RankMatch, an innovative approach for Semi-Supervised
Label Distribution Learning (SSLDL). Addressing the challenge of limited
labeled data, RankMatch effectively utilizes a small number of labeled examples
in conjunction with a larger quantity of unlabeled data, reducing the need for
extensive manual labeling in Deep Neural Network (DNN) applications.
Specifically, RankMatch introduces an ensemble learning-inspired averaging
strategy that creates a pseudo-label distribution from multiple weakly
augmented images. This not only stabilizes predictions but also enhances the
model's robustness. Beyond this, RankMatch integrates a pairwise relevance
ranking (PRR) loss, capturing the complex inter-label correlations and ensuring
that the predicted label distributions align with the ground truth.
We establish a theoretical generalization bound for RankMatch, and through
extensive experiments, demonstrate its superiority in performance against
existing SSLDL methods.
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