Calibration-free quantitative phase imaging in multi-core fiber
endoscopes using end-to-end deep learning
- URL:
- Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2023 09:30:12 GMT
- Title: Calibration-free quantitative phase imaging in multi-core fiber
endoscopes using end-to-end deep learning
- Authors: Jiawei Sun, Bin Zhao, Dong Wang, Zhigang Wang, Jie Zhang, Nektarios
Koukourakis, Juergen W. Czarske, Xuelong Li
- Abstract summary: We demonstrate a learning-based MCF phase imaging method, that significantly reduced the phase reconstruction time to 5.5 ms.
We also introduce an innovative optical system that automatically generated the first open-source dataset tailored for MCF phase imaging.
Our trained deep neural network (DNN) demonstrates robust phase reconstruction performance in experiments with a mean fidelity of up to 99.8%.
- Score: 49.013721992323994
- License:
- Abstract: Quantitative phase imaging (QPI) through multi-core fibers (MCFs) has been an
emerging in vivo label-free endoscopic imaging modality with minimal
invasiveness. However, the computational demands of conventional iterative
phase retrieval algorithms have limited their real-time imaging potential. We
demonstrate a learning-based MCF phase imaging method, that significantly
reduced the phase reconstruction time to 5.5 ms, enabling video-rate imaging at
181 fps. Moreover, we introduce an innovative optical system that automatically
generated the first open-source dataset tailored for MCF phase imaging,
comprising 50,176 paired speckle and phase images. Our trained deep neural
network (DNN) demonstrates robust phase reconstruction performance in
experiments with a mean fidelity of up to 99.8\%. Such an efficient fiber phase
imaging approach can broaden the applications of QPI in hard-to-reach areas.
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