DexTouch: Learning to Seek and Manipulate Objects with Tactile Dexterity
- URL:
- Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2024 11:58:14 GMT
- Title: DexTouch: Learning to Seek and Manipulate Objects with Tactile Dexterity
- Authors: Kang-Won Lee, Yuzhe Qin, Xiaolong Wang, Soo-Chul Lim,
- Abstract summary: We introduce a multi-finger robot system designed to manipulate objects using the sense of touch, without relying on vision.
For tasks that mimic daily life, the robot uses its sense of touch to manipulate randomly placed objects in dark.
- Score: 11.450027373581019
- License:
- Abstract: The sense of touch is an essential ability for skillfully performing a variety of tasks, providing the capacity to search and manipulate objects without relying on visual information. In this paper, we introduce a multi-finger robot system designed to manipulate objects using the sense of touch, without relying on vision. For tasks that mimic daily life, the robot uses its sense of touch to manipulate randomly placed objects in dark. The objective of this study is to enable robots to perform blind manipulation by using tactile sensation to compensate for the information gap caused by the absence of vision, given the presence of prior information. Training the policy through reinforcement learning in simulation and transferring the trained policy to the real environment, we demonstrate that blind manipulation can be applied to robots without vision. In addition, the experiments showcase the importance of tactile sensing in the blind manipulation tasks. Our project page is available at
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