Lossy Cryptography from Code-Based Assumptions
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2402.03633v1
- Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2024 02:17:08 GMT
- Title: Lossy Cryptography from Code-Based Assumptions
- Authors: Quang Dao, Aayush Jain,
- Abstract summary: A proliferation of advanced cryptographic primitives imply hard problems in the complexity class $SZK$.
This poses a barrier for building advanced primitives from code-based assumptions.
We propose a new code-based assumption: Dense-Sparse, that falls in the complexity class $BPPSZK$ and is conjectured to be secure against subexponential time adversaries.
- Score: 7.880958076366762
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Over the past few decades, we have seen a proliferation of advanced cryptographic primitives with lossy or homomorphic properties built from various assumptions such as Quadratic Residuosity, Decisional Diffie-Hellman, and Learning with Errors. These primitives imply hard problems in the complexity class $SZK$ (statistical zero-knowledge); as a consequence, they can only be based on assumptions that are broken in $BPP^{SZK}$. This poses a barrier for building advanced primitives from code-based assumptions, as the only known such assumption is Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) with an extremely low noise rate $\frac{\log^2 n}{n}$, which is broken in quasi-polynomial time. In this work, we propose a new code-based assumption: Dense-Sparse LPN, that falls in the complexity class $BPP^{SZK}$ and is conjectured to be secure against subexponential time adversaries. Our assumption is a variant of LPN that is inspired by McEliece's cryptosystem and random $k\mbox{-}$XOR in average-case complexity. We leverage our assumption to build lossy trapdoor functions (Peikert-Waters STOC 08). This gives the first post-quantum alternative to the lattice-based construction in the original paper. Lossy trapdoor functions, being a fundamental cryptographic tool, are known to enable a broad spectrum of both lossy and non-lossy cryptographic primitives; our construction thus implies these primitives in a generic manner. In particular, we achieve collision-resistant hash functions with plausible subexponential security, improving over a prior construction from LPN with noise rate $\frac{\log^2 n}{n}$ that is only quasi-polynomially secure.
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