Latent Plan Transformer for Trajectory Abstraction: Planning as Latent Space Inference
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- Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 07:56:57 GMT
- Title: Latent Plan Transformer for Trajectory Abstraction: Planning as Latent Space Inference
- Authors: Deqian Kong, Dehong Xu, Minglu Zhao, Bo Pang, Jianwen Xie, Andrew Lizarraga, Yuhao Huang, Sirui Xie, Ying Nian Wu,
- Abstract summary: We study generative modeling for planning with datasets repurposed from offline reinforcement learning.
We introduce the Latent Plan Transformer (), a novel model that leverages a latent variable to connect a Transformer-based trajectory generator and the final return.
- Score: 53.419249906014194
- License:
- Abstract: In tasks aiming for long-term returns, planning becomes essential. We study generative modeling for planning with datasets repurposed from offline reinforcement learning. Specifically, we identify temporal consistency in the absence of step-wise rewards as one key technical challenge. We introduce the Latent Plan Transformer (LPT), a novel model that leverages a latent variable to connect a Transformer-based trajectory generator and the final return. LPT can be learned with maximum likelihood estimation on trajectory-return pairs. In learning, posterior sampling of the latent variable naturally integrates sub-trajectories to form a consistent abstraction despite the finite context. At test time, the latent variable is inferred from an expected return before policy execution, realizing the idea of planning as inference. Our experiments demonstrate that LPT can discover improved decisions from sub-optimal trajectories, achieving competitive performance across several benchmarks, including Gym-Mujoco, Franka Kitchen, Maze2D, and Connect Four. It exhibits capabilities in nuanced credit assignments, trajectory stitching, and adaptation to environmental contingencies. These results validate that latent variable inference can be a strong alternative to step-wise reward prompting.
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