Overview of the VLSP 2023 -- ComOM Shared Task: A Data Challenge for
Comparative Opinion Mining from Vietnamese Product Reviews
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2402.13613v2
- Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2024 21:20:57 GMT
- Title: Overview of the VLSP 2023 -- ComOM Shared Task: A Data Challenge for
Comparative Opinion Mining from Vietnamese Product Reviews
- Authors: Hoang-Quynh Le, Duy-Cat Can, Khanh-Vinh Nguyen and Mai-Vu Tran
- Abstract summary: This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the Comparative Opinion Mining from Vietnamese Product Reviews shared task (ComOM)
The primary objective of this shared task is to advance the field of natural language processing by developing techniques that proficiently extract comparative opinions from Vietnamese product reviews.
We construct a human-annotated dataset comprising $120$ documents, encompassing $7427$ non-comparative sentences and $2468$ comparisons within $1798$ sentences.
- Score: 0.6827423171182151
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the Comparative Opinion
Mining from Vietnamese Product Reviews shared task (ComOM), held as part of the
10$^{th}$ International Workshop on Vietnamese Language and Speech Processing
(VLSP 2023). The primary objective of this shared task is to advance the field
of natural language processing by developing techniques that proficiently
extract comparative opinions from Vietnamese product reviews. Participants are
challenged to propose models that adeptly extract a comparative "quintuple"
from a comparative sentence, encompassing Subject, Object, Aspect, Predicate,
and Comparison Type Label. We construct a human-annotated dataset comprising
$120$ documents, encompassing $7427$ non-comparative sentences and $2468$
comparisons within $1798$ sentences. Participating models undergo evaluation
and ranking based on the Exact match macro-averaged quintuple F1 score.
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