Error bounds for particle gradient descent, and extensions of the log-Sobolev and Talagrand inequalities
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- Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2024 07:54:55 GMT
- Title: Error bounds for particle gradient descent, and extensions of the log-Sobolev and Talagrand inequalities
- Authors: Rocco Caprio, Juan Kuntz, Samuel Power, Adam M. Johansen,
- Abstract summary: We show that for models satisfying a condition generalizing both the log-Sobolev and the Polyak--Lojasiewicz inequalities, the flow converges exponentially fast to the set of minimizers of the free energy.
We also generalize the Bakry--'Emery Theorem and show that the LSI/PLI generalization holds for models with strongly concave log-likelihoods.
- Score: 1.3124513975412255
- License:
- Abstract: We prove non-asymptotic error bounds for particle gradient descent (PGD)~(Kuntz et al., 2023), a recently introduced algorithm for maximum likelihood estimation of large latent variable models obtained by discretizing a gradient flow of the free energy. We begin by showing that, for models satisfying a condition generalizing both the log-Sobolev and the Polyak--{\L}ojasiewicz inequalities (LSI and P{\L}I, respectively), the flow converges exponentially fast to the set of minimizers of the free energy. We achieve this by extending a result well-known in the optimal transport literature (that the LSI implies the Talagrand inequality) and its counterpart in the optimization literature (that the P{\L}I implies the so-called quadratic growth condition), and applying it to our new setting. We also generalize the Bakry--\'Emery Theorem and show that the LSI/P{\L}I generalization holds for models with strongly concave log-likelihoods. For such models, we further control PGD's discretization error, obtaining non-asymptotic error bounds. While we are motivated by the study of PGD, we believe that the inequalities and results we extend may be of independent interest.
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