Existential Unforgeability in Quantum Authentication From Quantum Physical Unclonable Functions Based on Random von Neumann Measurement
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2404.11306v5
- Date: Mon, 02 Dec 2024 20:58:24 GMT
- Title: Existential Unforgeability in Quantum Authentication From Quantum Physical Unclonable Functions Based on Random von Neumann Measurement
- Authors: Soham Ghosh, Vladlen Galetsky, Pol Juliá Farré, Christian Deppe, Roberto Ferrara, Holger Boche,
- Abstract summary: Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) leverage inherent, non-clonable physical randomness to generate unique input-output pairs.
Quantum PUFs (QPUFs) extend this concept by using quantum states as input-output pairs.
We show that random unitary QPUFs cannot achieve existential unforgeability against Quantum Polynomial Time adversaries.
We introduce a second model where the QPUF functions as a nonunitary quantum channel, which guarantees existential unforgeability.
- Score: 45.386403865847235
- License:
- Abstract: Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) leverage inherent, non-clonable physical randomness to generate unique input-output pairs, serving as secure fingerprints for cryptographic protocols like authentication. Quantum PUFs (QPUFs) extend this concept by using quantum states as input-output pairs, offering advantages over classical PUFs, such as challenge reusability via public channels and eliminating the need for trusted parties due to the no-cloning theorem. Recent work introduced a generalized mathematical framework for QPUFs. It was shown that random unitary QPUFs cannot achieve existential unforgeability against Quantum Polynomial Time (QPT) adversaries. Security was possible only with additional uniform randomness. To avoid the cost of external randomness, we propose a novel measurement-based scheme. Here, the randomness naturally arises from quantum measurements. Additionally, we introduce a second model where the QPUF functions as a nonunitary quantum channel, which guarantees existential unforgeability. These are the first models in the literature to demonstrate a high level of provable security. Finally, we show that the Quantum Phase Estimation (QPE) protocol, applied to a Haar random unitary, serves as an approximate implementation of the second type of QPUF by approximating a von Neumann measurement on the unitary's eigenbasis.
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