Casimir energy of $N$ $δ$-plates with constant conductivity
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- Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2024 13:26:14 GMT
- Title: Casimir energy of $N$ $δ$-plates with constant conductivity
- Authors: Venkat Abhignan,
- Abstract summary: The Casimir energy for $N$ $delta$-function plates depends on multiple scattering parameter $Delta$.
This $N$ body interaction was distributed into two body interactions with nearest neighbour scattering and next-to-nearest neighbour scattering based on partitions of $N-1$ and its permutations.
We also study Casimir interaction between a perfect magnetic conductor and multiple constant conductivity $delta$ plates, which results in Boyer repulsion.
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- Abstract: The Casimir energy for $N$ $\delta$-function plates depends on multiple scattering parameter $\Delta$. This $N$ body interaction was distributed into two body interactions with nearest neighbour scattering and next-to-nearest neighbour scattering based on partitions of $N-1$ and its permutations. Implementing this methodology, we investigate Casimir energy for multiple plates with constant conductivity relatable to Graphene. We also study Casimir interaction between a perfect magnetic conductor and multiple constant conductivity $\delta$ plates, which results in Boyer repulsion. In the asymptotic limit for ideal boundary conditions, the results become simple where multiple scattering parameter $\Delta$ consists only of nearest neighbour scattering term.
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