Constrained Measurement Incompatibility from Generalised Contextuality of Steered Preparation
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- Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2024 15:36:35 GMT
- Title: Constrained Measurement Incompatibility from Generalised Contextuality of Steered Preparation
- Authors: Sumit Mukherjee, A. K. Pan,
- Abstract summary: In a bipartite Bell scenario, the measurement incompatibility in one wing is both necessary and sufficient to reveal the nonlocality.
We argue that it is the generalised contextuality that provides a restriction to the allowed degree of measurement incompatibility of any viable theory of nature.
- Score: 2.532202013576547
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- Abstract: In a bipartite Bell scenario involving two local measurements per party and two outcome per measurement, the measurement incompatibility in one wing is both necessary and sufficient to reveal the nonlocality. However, such a one-to-one correspondence fails when one of the observers performs more than two measurements. In such a scenario, the measurement incompatibility is necessary but not sufficient to reveal the nonlocality. In this work, within the formalism of general probabilistic theory (GPT), we demonstrate that unlike the nonlocality, the incompatibility of N arbitrary measurements in one wing is both necessary and sufficient for revealing the generalised contextuality for the sub-system in the other wing. Further, we formulate a novel form of inequality for any GPT that are necessary for N-wise compatibility of N arbitrary observables. Moreover, we argue that any theory that violates the proposed inequality possess a degree of incompatibility that can be quantified through the amount of violation. Finally, we claim that it is the generalised contextuality that provides a restriction to the allowed degree of measurement incompatibility of any viable theory of nature and thereby super-select the the quantum theory.
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