Wasserstein Gradient Flows of MMD Functionals with Distance Kernel and Cauchy Problems on Quantile Functions
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2408.07498v2
- Date: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 12:17:50 GMT
- Title: Wasserstein Gradient Flows of MMD Functionals with Distance Kernel and Cauchy Problems on Quantile Functions
- Authors: Richard Duong, Viktor Stein, Robert Beinert, Johannes Hertrich, Gabriele Steidl,
- Abstract summary: We describe Wasserstein gradient flows of maximum mean discrepancy functionals $mathcal F_nu := textMMD_K2(cdot, nu)$ towards given target measures $nu$ on the real line.
For certain $mathcal F_nu$-flows this implies that initial point measures instantly become absolutely continuous, and stay so over time.
- Score: 2.3301643766310374
- License:
- Abstract: We give a comprehensive description of Wasserstein gradient flows of maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) functionals $\mathcal F_\nu := \text{MMD}_K^2(\cdot, \nu)$ towards given target measures $\nu$ on the real line, where we focus on the negative distance kernel $K(x,y) := -|x-y|$. In one dimension, the Wasserstein-2 space can be isometrically embedded into the cone $\mathcal C(0,1) \subset L_2(0,1)$ of quantile functions leading to a characterization of Wasserstein gradient flows via the solution of an associated Cauchy problem on $L_2(0,1)$. Based on the construction of an appropriate counterpart of $\mathcal F_\nu$ on $L_2(0,1)$ and its subdifferential, we provide a solution of the Cauchy problem. For discrete target measures $\nu$, this results in a piecewise linear solution formula. We prove invariance and smoothing properties of the flow on subsets of $\mathcal C(0,1)$. For certain $\mathcal F_\nu$-flows this implies that initial point measures instantly become absolutely continuous, and stay so over time. Finally, we illustrate the behavior of the flow by various numerical examples using an implicit Euler scheme, which is easily computable by a bisection algorithm. For continuous targets $\nu$, also the explicit Euler scheme can be employed, although with limited convergence guarantees.
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