Convergence of Unadjusted Langevin in High Dimensions: Delocalization of Bias
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- Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2024 01:24:54 GMT
- Title: Convergence of Unadjusted Langevin in High Dimensions: Delocalization of Bias
- Authors: Yifan Chen, Xiaoou Cheng, Jonathan Niles-Weed, Jonathan Weare,
- Abstract summary: We show that as the dimension $d$ of the problem increases, the number of iterations required to ensure convergence within a desired error increases.
A key technical challenge we address is the lack of a one-step contraction property in the $W_2,ellinfty$ metric to measure convergence.
- Score: 13.642712817536072
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- Abstract: The unadjusted Langevin algorithm is commonly used to sample probability distributions in extremely high-dimensional settings. However, existing analyses of the algorithm for strongly log-concave distributions suggest that, as the dimension $d$ of the problem increases, the number of iterations required to ensure convergence within a desired error in the $W_2$ metric scales in proportion to $d$ or $\sqrt{d}$. In this paper, we argue that, despite this poor scaling of the $W_2$ error for the full set of variables, the behavior for a small number of variables can be significantly better: a number of iterations proportional to $K$, up to logarithmic terms in $d$, often suffices for the algorithm to converge to within a desired $W_2$ error for all $K$-marginals. We refer to this effect as delocalization of bias. We show that the delocalization effect does not hold universally and prove its validity for Gaussian distributions and strongly log-concave distributions with certain sparse interactions. Our analysis relies on a novel $W_{2,\ell^\infty}$ metric to measure convergence. A key technical challenge we address is the lack of a one-step contraction property in this metric. Finally, we use asymptotic arguments to explore potential generalizations of the delocalization effect beyond the Gaussian and sparse interactions setting.
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