A Tighter Convergence Proof of Reverse Experience Replay
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2408.16999v1
- Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2024 04:11:35 GMT
- Title: A Tighter Convergence Proof of Reverse Experience Replay
- Authors: Nan Jiang, Jinzhao Li, Yexiang Xue,
- Abstract summary: In reinforcement learning, Reverse Experience Replay (RER) is a recently proposed algorithm that attains better sample complexity than the classic experience replay method.
RER requires the learning algorithm to update the parameters through consecutive state-action-rewards in reverse order.
We show theoretically that RER converges with a larger learning rate and a longer sequence.
- Score: 16.645967034009225
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: In reinforcement learning, Reverse Experience Replay (RER) is a recently proposed algorithm that attains better sample complexity than the classic experience replay method. RER requires the learning algorithm to update the parameters through consecutive state-action-reward tuples in reverse order. However, the most recent theoretical analysis only holds for a minimal learning rate and short consecutive steps, which converge slower than those large learning rate algorithms without RER. In view of this theoretical and empirical gap, we provide a tighter analysis that mitigates the limitation on the learning rate and the length of consecutive steps. Furthermore, we show theoretically that RER converges with a larger learning rate and a longer sequence.
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