Demonstration of strong coupling of a subradiant atom array to a cavity vacuum
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- Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 13:19:01 GMT
- Title: Demonstration of strong coupling of a subradiant atom array to a cavity vacuum
- Authors: Bence Gábor, K. V. Adwaith, Dániel Varga, Bálint Sárközi, András Dombi, T. W. Clark, F. I. B. Williams, David Nagy, András Vukics, Peter Domokos,
- Abstract summary: We show that strong coupling leads to a drastic modification of the excitation spectrum.
We demonstrate a significant polarization rotation in the linear scattering off the subradiant array.
- Score: 0.4494058019353401
- License:
- Abstract: By considering linear scattering of cold atoms inside an undriven high-finesse optical resonator, we experimentally demonstrate effects unique to a strongly coupled vacuum field. Arranging the atoms in an incommensurate lattice, with respect to the resonator mode, the scattering can be suppressed by destructive interference: resulting in a subradiant atomic array. We show however, that strong coupling leads to a drastic modification of the excitation spectrum, as evidenced by well-resolved vacuum Rabi splitting in the intensity of the fluctuations. Furthermore, we demonstrate a significant polarization rotation in the linear scattering off the subradiant array via Raman scattering induced by the strongly coupled vacuum field.
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