Tracking Virtual Meetings in the Wild: Re-identification in Multi-Participant Virtual Meetings
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- Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2024 19:37:37 GMT
- Title: Tracking Virtual Meetings in the Wild: Re-identification in Multi-Participant Virtual Meetings
- Authors: Oriel Perl, Ido Leshem, Uria Franko, Yuval Goldman,
- Abstract summary: We introduce a novel approach to track and re-identify participants in remote video meetings.
Our approach reduces the error rate by 95% on average compared to YOLO-based tracking methods as a baseline.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: In recent years, workplaces and educational institutes have widely adopted virtual meeting platforms. This has led to a growing interest in analyzing and extracting insights from these meetings, which requires effective detection and tracking of unique individuals. In practice, there is no standardization in video meetings recording layout, and how they are captured across the different platforms and services. This, in turn, creates a challenge in acquiring this data stream and analyzing it in a uniform fashion. Our approach provides a solution to the most general form of video recording, usually consisting of a grid of participants (\cref{fig:videomeeting}) from a single video source with no metadata on participant locations, while using the least amount of constraints and assumptions as to how the data was acquired. Conventional approaches often use YOLO models coupled with tracking algorithms, assuming linear motion trajectories akin to that observed in CCTV footage. However, such assumptions fall short in virtual meetings, where participant video feed window can abruptly change location across the grid. In an organic video meeting setting, participants frequently join and leave, leading to sudden, non-linear movements on the video grid. This disrupts optical flow-based tracking methods that depend on linear motion. Consequently, standard object detection and tracking methods might mistakenly assign multiple participants to the same tracker. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach to track and re-identify participants in remote video meetings, by utilizing the spatio-temporal priors arising from the data in our domain. This, in turn, increases tracking capabilities compared to the use of general object tracking. Our approach reduces the error rate by 95% on average compared to YOLO-based tracking methods as a baseline.
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