Lying mirror
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- Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 22:05:13 GMT
- Title: Lying mirror
- Authors: Yuhang Li, Shiqi Chen, Bijie Bai, Aydogan Ozcan,
- Abstract summary: We introduce an all-optical system, termed the "lying mirror", to hide input information by transforming it into misleading patterns.
This misleading transformation is achieved through passive light-matter interactions of the incident light with an optimized structured diffractive surface.
These lying mirror designs were shown to camouflage different types of input image data, exhibiting robustness against a range of adversarial manipulations.
- Score: 18.41925837760181
- License:
- Abstract: We introduce an all-optical system, termed the "lying mirror", to hide input information by transforming it into misleading, ordinary-looking patterns that effectively camouflage the underlying image data and deceive the observers. This misleading transformation is achieved through passive light-matter interactions of the incident light with an optimized structured diffractive surface, enabling the optical concealment of any form of secret input data without any digital computing. These lying mirror designs were shown to camouflage different types of input image data, exhibiting robustness against a range of adversarial manipulations, including random image noise as well as unknown, random rotations, shifts, and scaling of the object features. The feasibility of the lying mirror concept was also validated experimentally using a structured micro-mirror array along with multi-wavelength illumination at 480, 550 and 600 nm, covering the blue, green and red image channels. This framework showcases the power of structured diffractive surfaces for visual information processing and might find various applications in defense, security and entertainment.
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