Experimental demonstration of the Bell-type inequalities for four qubit Dicke state using IBM Quantum Processing Unit
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2410.20241v1
- Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:04:06 GMT
- Title: Experimental demonstration of the Bell-type inequalities for four qubit Dicke state using IBM Quantum Processing Unit
- Authors: Tomis, Harsh Mehta, Shreya Banerjee, Prasanta K. Panigrahi, V. Narayanan,
- Abstract summary: We theoretically evaluate the Bell-type violation for the two-qubit Bell state and a four-qubit Dicke state.
For Dicke state, we found the violation be to $2.1239pm0.0457$ and $2.2175pm0.0352$ respectively for two distinct methods of state preparation.
- Score: 5.361677484495031
- License:
- Abstract: Violation of the Bell-type inequalities is very necessary to confirm the existence of the nonlocality in the nonclassical (entangled) states. We have designed a customized operator which is made of the sum of the identity and Pauli matrices ($I$, $\sigma_x$, $\sigma_y$, and $\sigma_z$). We theoretically evaluate the Bell-type violation for the two-qubit Bell state and a four-qubit Dicke state, which gives the Bell-CHSH parameter values $2\sqrt{2}$ and $3.05$, respectively for our customized operator. For experimental implementation, IBM's 127-qubitQuantum Processing Units (QPU) were utilized, where we have applied our customized operator to evaluate Bell-type inequalities for two-qubit Bell state ($\vert\Phi^+\rangle$) and four-qubit Dicke state ($|D^{(2)}_4\rangle$). We observed, for the two-qubit Bell state, the experimental Bell violation was $2.7507\pm 0.0197$. For Dicke state, we found the violation be to $2.1239\pm0.0457$ and $2.2175\pm0.0352$ respectively for two distinct methods of state preparation. All our results show clear violation of the local realism; however, we find that the experimental violation of the Bell state ($2.75$) is close to the theoretical ($2.82$) results due to lower circuit depth in state-preparation as well as fewer measurements, while the Dicke state shows greater errors ($2.12$ and $2.21$ vs. $3.05$) from higher depth and more measurements.
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