Von Neumann Entropy and Quantum Algorithmic Randomness
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2412.18646v1
- Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2024 18:09:45 GMT
- Title: Von Neumann Entropy and Quantum Algorithmic Randomness
- Authors: Tejas Bhojraj,
- Abstract summary: A state $rho=(rho_n)_n=1infty$ is a sequence such that $rho_n$ is a density matrix on $n$ qubits.
The von Neumann entropy $H(d)$ of a density matrix $d$ is the Shannon entropy of its eigenvalue distribution.
- Score: 0.0
- License:
- Abstract: A state $\rho=(\rho_n)_{n=1}^{\infty}$ is a sequence such that $\rho_n$ is a density matrix on $n$ qubits. It formalizes the notion of an infinite sequence of qubits. The von Neumann entropy $H(d)$ of a density matrix $d$ is the Shannon entropy of its eigenvalue distribution. We show: (1) If $\rho$ is a computable quantum Schnorr random state then $\lim_n [H(\rho_n )/n] = 1$. (2) We define quantum s-tests for $s\in [0,1]$, show that $\liminf_n [H(\rho_n)/n]\geq \{ s: \rho$ is covered by a quantum s-test $\}$ for computable $\rho$ and construct states where this inequality is an equality. (3) If $\exists c \exists^\infty n H(\rho_n)> n-c$ then $\rho$ is strong quantum random. Strong quantum randomness is a randomness notion which implies quantum Schnorr randomness relativized to any oracle. (4) A computable state $(\rho_n)_{n=1}^{\infty}$ is quantum Schnorr random iff the family of distributions of the $\rho_n$'s is uniformly integrable. We show that the implications in (1) and (3) are strict.
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