Online Inverse Linear Optimization: Improved Regret Bound, Robustness to Suboptimality, and Toward Tight Regret Analysis
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- Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2025 02:31:23 GMT
- Title: Online Inverse Linear Optimization: Improved Regret Bound, Robustness to Suboptimality, and Toward Tight Regret Analysis
- Authors: Shinsaku Sakaue, Taira Tsuchiya, Han Bao, Taihei Oki,
- Abstract summary: We study an online learning problem where, over $T$ rounds, a learner observes both time-varying sets of feasible actions and an agent's optimal actions.
We obtain an $O(nln T)$ regret bound, improving upon the previous bound of $O(n4ln T)$ by a factor of $n3$.
- Score: 25.50155563108198
- License:
- Abstract: We study an online learning problem where, over $T$ rounds, a learner observes both time-varying sets of feasible actions and an agent's optimal actions, selected by solving linear optimization over the feasible actions. The learner sequentially makes predictions of the agent's underlying linear objective function, and their quality is measured by the regret, the cumulative gap between optimal objective values and those achieved by following the learner's predictions. A seminal work by B\"armann et al. (ICML 2017) showed that online learning methods can be applied to this problem to achieve regret bounds of $O(\sqrt{T})$. Recently, Besbes et al. (COLT 2021, Oper. Res. 2023) significantly improved the result by achieving an $O(n^4\ln T)$ regret bound, where $n$ is the dimension of the ambient space of objective vectors. Their method, based on the ellipsoid method, runs in polynomial time but is inefficient for large $n$ and $T$. In this paper, we obtain an $O(n\ln T)$ regret bound, improving upon the previous bound of $O(n^4\ln T)$ by a factor of $n^3$. Our method is simple and efficient: we apply the online Newton step (ONS) to appropriate exp-concave loss functions. Moreover, for the case where the agent's actions are possibly suboptimal, we establish an $O(n\ln T+\sqrt{\Delta_Tn\ln T})$ regret bound, where $\Delta_T$ is the cumulative suboptimality of the agent's actions. This bound is achieved by using MetaGrad, which runs ONS with $\Theta(\ln T)$ different learning rates in parallel. We also provide a simple instance that implies an $\Omega(n)$ lower bound, showing that our $O(n\ln T)$ bound is tight up to an $O(\ln T)$ factor. This gives rise to a natural question: can the $O(\ln T)$ factor in the upper bound be removed? For the special case of $n=2$, we show that an $O(1)$ regret bound is possible, while we delineate challenges in extending this result to higher dimensions.
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