One-Shot Learning for k-SAT
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- Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2025 23:56:08 GMT
- Title: One-Shot Learning for k-SAT
- Authors: Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Xusheng Zhang,
- Abstract summary: We show that one-shot learning for $k$-SAT is infeasible well below the satisfiability threshold.
We simplify the analysis of the learning algorithm and obtain significantly stronger bounds on $d$ in terms of $beta$.
- Score: 2.6293381978389787
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- Abstract: Consider a $k$-SAT formula $\Phi$ where every variable appears at most $d$ times, and let $\sigma$ be a satisfying assignment of $\Phi$ sampled proportionally to $e^{\beta m(\sigma)}$ where $m(\sigma)$ is the number of variables set to true and $\beta$ is a real parameter. Given $\Phi$ and $\sigma$, can we learn the value of $\beta$ efficiently? This problem falls into a recent line of works about single-sample ("one-shot") learning of Markov random fields. The $k$-SAT setting we consider here was recently studied by Galanis, Kandiros, and Kalavasis (SODA'24) where they showed that single-sample learning is possible when roughly $d\leq 2^{k/6.45}$ and impossible when $d\geq (k+1) 2^{k-1}$. Crucially, for their impossibility results they used the existence of unsatisfiable instances which, aside from the gap in $d$, left open the question of whether the feasibility threshold for one-shot learning is dictated by the satisfiability threshold of $k$-SAT formulas of bounded degree. Our main contribution is to answer this question negatively. We show that one-shot learning for $k$-SAT is infeasible well below the satisfiability threshold; in fact, we obtain impossibility results for degrees $d$ as low as $k^2$ when $\beta$ is sufficiently large, and bootstrap this to small values of $\beta$ when $d$ scales exponentially with $k$, via a probabilistic construction. On the positive side, we simplify the analysis of the learning algorithm and obtain significantly stronger bounds on $d$ in terms of $\beta$. In particular, for the uniform case $\beta\rightarrow 0$ that has been studied extensively in the sampling literature, our analysis shows that learning is possible under the condition $d\lesssim 2^{k/2}$. This is nearly optimal (up to constant factors) in the sense that it is known that sampling a uniformly-distributed satisfying assignment is NP-hard for $d\gtrsim 2^{k/2}$.
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