Near-extremal dumb holes and some aspects of the Hawking effect
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- Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2025 09:04:44 GMT
- Title: Near-extremal dumb holes and some aspects of the Hawking effect
- Authors: Akshat Pandey,
- Abstract summary: We study the back-reaction effects of analogue Hawking radiation emitted from extremal and near-extremal black holes.
We speculate on the existence of an emergent Hawking force which leads to the reduction in the background fluid velocity.
- Score: 1.1672776958819344
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- Abstract: We propose novel non-relativistic fluid analogue models, that is dumb hole models, for extremal and near-extremal black holes. Further we study the back-reaction effects of analogue Hawking radiation emitted from these dumb holes. We discuss and quantify the reduction in the background fluid velocity caused by radiation of Hawking phonons. In doing so, we speculate on the existence of an emergent Hawking force which leads to the reduction in the background fluid velocity and which is produced as a consequence of phonon emission. In addition to the analogue gravity literature, our results might be of relevance to black hole pedagogy.
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