A Journey into Ontology Approximation: From Non-Horn to Horn
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2001.07754v4
- Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2020 20:01:03 GMT
- Title: A Journey into Ontology Approximation: From Non-Horn to Horn
- Authors: Anneke Haga, Carsten Lutz, Johannes Marti, Frank Wolter
- Abstract summary: We study complete approximations of an ontology formulated in a non-Horn description logic (DL)
We provide concrete approximation schemes that are necessarily infinite and observe that in the $mathcalELU$-to-$mathcalEL$ case finite approximations tend to exist in practice.
In contrast, neither of these is the case for $mathcalELU_bot$-to-$mathcalEL_bot$ and for $mathcalALC$-to-$mathcalEL_bot$
- Score: 17.210841426842816
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We study complete approximations of an ontology formulated in a non-Horn
description logic (DL) such as $\mathcal{ALC}$ in a Horn DL such
as~$\mathcal{EL}$. We provide concrete approximation schemes that are
necessarily infinite and observe that in the $\mathcal{ELU}$-to-$\mathcal{EL}$
case finite approximations tend to exist in practice and are guaranteed to
exist when the original ontology is acyclic. In contrast, neither of this is
the case for $\mathcal{ELU}_\bot$-to-$\mathcal{EL}_\bot$ and for
$\mathcal{ALC}$-to-$\mathcal{EL}_\bot$ approximations. We also define a notion
of approximation tailored towards ontology-mediated querying, connect it to
subsumption-based approximations, and identify a case where finite
approximations are guaranteed to exist.
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