Accurate correction of arbitrary spin fermions quantum tunneling from
non-stationary Kerr-de Sitter black hole based on corrected Lorentz
dispersion relation
- URL:
- Date: Sun, 9 Feb 2020 14:16:28 GMT
- Title: Accurate correction of arbitrary spin fermions quantum tunneling from
non-stationary Kerr-de Sitter black hole based on corrected Lorentz
dispersion relation
- Authors: Bei Sha, Zhi-E Liu, Yu-Zhen Liu, Xia Tan, Jie Zhang and Shu-Zheng Yang
- Abstract summary: The characteristics of arbitrary spin fermions quantum tunneling radiation from non-stationary Kerr-de Sitter black hole are researched.
A series of accurately corrected physical quantities such as surface gravity, chemical potential, tunneling probability and Hawking temperature that describe the properties of the black hole are derived.
- Score: 3.2707232501333077
- License:
- Abstract: According to a corrected dispersion relation proposed in the study on string
theory and quantum gravity theory, Rarita-Schwinger equation has been precisely
modified, which results in a Rarita-Schwinger-Hamilton-Jacobi equation, and
through which, the characteristics of arbitrary spin fermions quantum tunneling
radiation from non-stationary Kerr-de Sitter black hole are researched. A
series of accurately corrected physical quantities such as surface gravity,
chemical potential, tunneling probability and Hawking temperature that describe
the properties of the black hole are derived. This research has enriched the
research methods and made precision of the research contents of black hole
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