List-Decodable Subspace Recovery: Dimension Independent Error in
Polynomial Time
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- Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2021 17:54:57 GMT
- Title: List-Decodable Subspace Recovery: Dimension Independent Error in
Polynomial Time
- Authors: Ainesh Bakshi and Pravesh K. Kothari
- Abstract summary: In list-decodable subspace recovery, the input is a collection of $n$ points $alpha n$ (for some $alpha ll 1/2$) of which are drawn i.i.d. from a distribution $mathcalD$.
In this work, we improve on results on all three fronts: emphcertifiable anti-concentration error via a faster fixed-polynomial running time.
- Score: 5.812499828391904
- License:
- Abstract: In list-decodable subspace recovery, the input is a collection of $n$ points
$\alpha n$ (for some $\alpha \ll 1/2$) of which are drawn i.i.d. from a
distribution $\mathcal{D}$ with a isotropic rank $r$ covariance $\Pi_*$ (the
\emph{inliers}) and the rest are arbitrary, potential adversarial outliers. The
goal is to recover a $O(1/\alpha)$ size list of candidate covariances that
contains a $\hat{\Pi}$ close to $\Pi_*$. Two recent independent works
(Raghavendra-Yau, Bakshi-Kothari 2020) gave the first efficient algorithm for
this problem. These results, however, obtain an error that grows with the
dimension (linearly in [RY] and logarithmically in BK) at the cost of
quasi-polynomial running time) and rely on \emph{certifiable
anti-concentration} - a relatively strict condition satisfied essentially only
by the Gaussian distribution.
In this work, we improve on these results on all three fronts:
\emph{dimension-independent} error via a faster fixed-polynomial running time
under less restrictive distributional assumptions. Specifically, we give a
$poly(1/\alpha) d^{O(1)}$ time algorithm that outputs a list containing a
$\hat{\Pi}$ satisfying $\|\hat{\Pi} -\Pi_*\|_F \leq O(1/\alpha)$. Our result
only needs $\mathcal{D}$ to have \emph{certifiably hypercontractive} degree 2
polynomials. As a result, in addition to Gaussians, our algorithm applies to
the uniform distribution on the hypercube and $q$-ary cubes and arbitrary
product distributions with subgaussian marginals. Prior work (Raghavendra and
Yau, 2020) had identified such distributions as potential hard examples as such
distributions do not exhibit strong enough anti-concentration. When
$\mathcal{D}$ satisfies certifiable anti-concentration, we obtain a stronger
error guarantee of $\|\hat{\Pi}-\Pi_*\|_F \leq \eta$ for any arbitrary $\eta >
0$ in $d^{O(poly(1/\alpha) + \log (1/\eta))}$ time.
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