Gaming Helps! Learning from Strategic Interactions in Natural Dynamics
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- Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2021 15:45:05 GMT
- Title: Gaming Helps! Learning from Strategic Interactions in Natural Dynamics
- Authors: Yahav Bechavod, Katrina Ligett, Zhiwei Steven Wu, Juba Ziani
- Abstract summary: We consider an online regression setting in which individuals adapt to the regression model.
We find that such strategic manipulations may in fact help the learner recover the meaningful variables.
- Score: 31.670231315699237
- License:
- Abstract: We consider an online regression setting in which individuals adapt to the
regression model: arriving individuals are aware of the current model, and
invest strategically in modifying their own features so as to improve the
predicted score that the current model assigns to them. Such feature
manipulation has been observed in various scenarios -- from credit assessment
to school admissions -- posing a challenge for the learner. Surprisingly, we
find that such strategic manipulations may in fact help the learner recover the
meaningful variables -- that is, the features that, when changed, affect the
true label (as opposed to non-meaningful features that have no effect). We show
that even simple behavior on the learner's part allows her to simultaneously i)
accurately recover the meaningful features, and ii) incentivize agents to
invest in these meaningful features, providing incentives for improvement.
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