MaxUp: A Simple Way to Improve Generalization of Neural Network Training
- URL:
- Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2020 21:20:28 GMT
- Title: MaxUp: A Simple Way to Improve Generalization of Neural Network Training
- Authors: Chengyue Gong, Tongzheng Ren, Mao Ye, Qiang Liu
- Abstract summary: emphMaxUp is an embarrassingly simple, highly effective technique for improving the generalization performance of machine learning models.
In particular, we improve ImageNet classification from the state-of-the-art top-1 accuracy $85.5%$ without extra data to $85.8%$.
- Score: 41.89570630848936
- License:
- Abstract: We propose \emph{MaxUp}, an embarrassingly simple, highly effective technique
for improving the generalization performance of machine learning models,
especially deep neural networks. The idea is to generate a set of augmented
data with some random perturbations or transforms and minimize the maximum, or
worst case loss over the augmented data. By doing so, we implicitly introduce a
smoothness or robustness regularization against the random perturbations, and
hence improve the generation performance. For example, in the case of Gaussian
\emph{MaxUp} is asymptotically equivalent to using the gradient norm of the
loss as a penalty to encourage smoothness. We test \emph{MaxUp} on a range of
tasks, including image classification, language modeling, and adversarial
certification, on which \emph{MaxUp} consistently outperforms the existing best
baseline methods, without introducing substantial computational overhead. In
particular, we improve ImageNet classification from the state-of-the-art top-1
accuracy $85.5\%$ without extra data to $85.8\%$. Code will be released soon.
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