Minimax Optimal Quantization of Linear Models: Information-Theoretic
Limits and Efficient Algorithms
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- Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2022 02:39:04 GMT
- Title: Minimax Optimal Quantization of Linear Models: Information-Theoretic
Limits and Efficient Algorithms
- Authors: Rajarshi Saha, Mert Pilanci, Andrea J. Goldsmith
- Abstract summary: We consider the problem of quantizing a linear model learned from measurements.
We derive an information-theoretic lower bound for the minimax risk under this setting.
We show that our method and upper-bounds can be extended for two-layer ReLU neural networks.
- Score: 59.724977092582535
- License:
- Abstract: We consider the problem of quantizing a linear model learned from
measurements $\mathbf{X} = \mathbf{W}\boldsymbol{\theta} + \mathbf{v}$. The
model is constrained to be representable using only $dB$-bits, where $B \in (0,
\infty)$ is a pre-specified budget and $d$ is the dimension of the model. We
derive an information-theoretic lower bound for the minimax risk under this
setting and show that it is tight with a matching upper bound. This upper bound
is achieved using randomized embedding based algorithms. We propose randomized
Hadamard embeddings that are computationally efficient while performing
near-optimally. We also show that our method and upper-bounds can be extended
for two-layer ReLU neural networks. Numerical simulations validate our
theoretical claims.
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