GANs May Have No Nash Equilibria
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- Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2020 04:30:05 GMT
- Title: GANs May Have No Nash Equilibria
- Authors: Farzan Farnia, Asuman Ozdaglar
- Abstract summary: Generative adversarial networks (GANs) represent a zero-sum game between two machine players, a generator and a discriminator.
We show through several theoretical and numerical results that indeed GAN zero-sum games may not have any local Nash equilibria.
We propose a new approach, which we call proximal training, for solving GAN problems.
- Score: 12.691047660244331
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- Abstract: Generative adversarial networks (GANs) represent a zero-sum game between two
machine players, a generator and a discriminator, designed to learn the
distribution of data. While GANs have achieved state-of-the-art performance in
several benchmark learning tasks, GAN minimax optimization still poses great
theoretical and empirical challenges. GANs trained using first-order
optimization methods commonly fail to converge to a stable solution where the
players cannot improve their objective, i.e., the Nash equilibrium of the
underlying game. Such issues raise the question of the existence of Nash
equilibrium solutions in the GAN zero-sum game. In this work, we show through
several theoretical and numerical results that indeed GAN zero-sum games may
not have any local Nash equilibria. To characterize an equilibrium notion
applicable to GANs, we consider the equilibrium of a new zero-sum game with an
objective function given by a proximal operator applied to the original
objective, a solution we call the proximal equilibrium. Unlike the Nash
equilibrium, the proximal equilibrium captures the sequential nature of GANs,
in which the generator moves first followed by the discriminator. We prove that
the optimal generative model in Wasserstein GAN problems provides a proximal
equilibrium. Inspired by these results, we propose a new approach, which we
call proximal training, for solving GAN problems. We discuss several numerical
experiments demonstrating the existence of proximal equilibrium solutions in
GAN minimax problems.
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