Locally Private Hypothesis Selection
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2002.09465v2
- Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2020 02:58:48 GMT
- Title: Locally Private Hypothesis Selection
- Authors: Sivakanth Gopi, Gautam Kamath, Janardhan Kulkarni, Aleksandar Nikolov,
Zhiwei Steven Wu, Huanyu Zhang
- Abstract summary: We output a distribution from $mathcalQ$ whose total variation distance to $p$ is comparable to the best such distribution.
We show that the constraint of local differential privacy incurs an exponential increase in cost.
Our algorithms result in exponential improvements on the round complexity of previous methods.
- Score: 96.06118559817057
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We initiate the study of hypothesis selection under local differential
privacy. Given samples from an unknown probability distribution $p$ and a set
of $k$ probability distributions $\mathcal{Q}$, we aim to output, under the
constraints of $\varepsilon$-local differential privacy, a distribution from
$\mathcal{Q}$ whose total variation distance to $p$ is comparable to the best
such distribution. This is a generalization of the classic problem of $k$-wise
simple hypothesis testing, which corresponds to when $p \in \mathcal{Q}$, and
we wish to identify $p$. Absent privacy constraints, this problem requires
$O(\log k)$ samples from $p$, and it was recently shown that the same
complexity is achievable under (central) differential privacy. However, the
naive approach to this problem under local differential privacy would require
$\tilde O(k^2)$ samples.
We first show that the constraint of local differential privacy incurs an
exponential increase in cost: any algorithm for this problem requires at least
$\Omega(k)$ samples. Second, for the special case of $k$-wise simple hypothesis
testing, we provide a non-interactive algorithm which nearly matches this
bound, requiring $\tilde O(k)$ samples. Finally, we provide sequentially
interactive algorithms for the general case, requiring $\tilde O(k)$ samples
and only $O(\log \log k)$ rounds of interactivity. Our algorithms are achieved
through a reduction to maximum selection with adversarial comparators, a
problem of independent interest for which we initiate study in the parallel
setting. For this problem, we provide a family of algorithms for each number of
allowed rounds of interaction $t$, as well as lower bounds showing that they
are near-optimal for every $t$. Notably, our algorithms result in exponential
improvements on the round complexity of previous methods.
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