Near-linear Time Gaussian Process Optimization with Adaptive Batching
and Resparsification
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- Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2020 09:45:29 GMT
- Title: Near-linear Time Gaussian Process Optimization with Adaptive Batching
and Resparsification
- Authors: Daniele Calandriello, Luigi Carratino, Alessandro Lazaric, Michal
Valko, Lorenzo Rosasco
- Abstract summary: We introduce BBKB, the first no-regret GP optimization algorithm that provably runs in near-linear time and selects candidates in batches.
We show that the same bound can be used to adaptively delay costly updates to the sparse GP approximation, achieving a near-constant per-step amortized cost.
- Score: 119.41129787351092
- License:
- Abstract: Gaussian processes (GP) are one of the most successful frameworks to model
uncertainty. However, GP optimization (e.g., GP-UCB) suffers from major
scalability issues. Experimental time grows linearly with the number of
evaluations, unless candidates are selected in batches (e.g., using GP-BUCB)
and evaluated in parallel. Furthermore, computational cost is often prohibitive
since algorithms such as GP-BUCB require a time at least quadratic in the
number of dimensions and iterations to select each batch. In this paper, we
introduce BBKB (Batch Budgeted Kernel Bandits), the first no-regret GP
optimization algorithm that provably runs in near-linear time and selects
candidates in batches. This is obtained with a new guarantee for the tracking
of the posterior variances that allows BBKB to choose increasingly larger
batches, improving over GP-BUCB. Moreover, we show that the same bound can be
used to adaptively delay costly updates to the sparse GP approximation used by
BBKB, achieving a near-constant per-step amortized cost. These findings are
then confirmed in several experiments, where BBKB is much faster than
state-of-the-art methods.
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