Revisiting EXTRA for Smooth Distributed Optimization
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- Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2020 04:38:13 GMT
- Title: Revisiting EXTRA for Smooth Distributed Optimization
- Authors: Huan Li and Zhouchen Lin
- Abstract summary: We give a sharp complexity analysis for EXTRA with the improved $Oleft(left(fracLmu+frac11-sigma_2(W)right)logfrac1epsilon (1-sigma_2(W))right)$.
Our communication complexities of the accelerated EXTRA are only worse by the factors of $left(logfracLmu (1-sigma_2(W))right)$ and $left(logfrac1epsilon (1-
- Score: 70.65867695317633
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- Abstract: EXTRA is a popular method for dencentralized distributed optimization and has
broad applications. This paper revisits EXTRA. First, we give a sharp
complexity analysis for EXTRA with the improved
communication and computation complexities for $\mu$-strongly convex and
$L$-smooth problems, where $\sigma_2(W)$ is the second largest singular value
of the weight matrix $W$. When the strong convexity is absent, we prove the
complexities. Then, we use the Catalyst framework to accelerate EXTRA and
obtain the $O\left(\sqrt{\frac{L}{\mu(1-\sigma_2(W))}}\log\frac{
L}{\mu(1-\sigma_2(W))}\log\frac{1}{\epsilon}\right)$ communication and
computation complexities for strongly convex and smooth problems and the
complexities for non-strongly convex ones. Our communication complexities of
the accelerated EXTRA are only worse by the factors of
$\left(\log\frac{L}{\mu(1-\sigma_2(W))}\right)$ and
$\left(\log\frac{1}{\epsilon(1-\sigma_2(W))}\right)$ from the lower complexity
bounds for strongly convex and non-strongly convex problems, respectively.
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