Long-lived elementary excitations and light coherence in topological
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2002.12337v3
- Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2020 19:26:25 GMT
- Title: Long-lived elementary excitations and light coherence in topological
- Authors: Petr Zapletal, Bogdan Galilo, and Andreas Nunnenkamp
- Abstract summary: We study a topological laser based on the photonic Haldane model with selective pumping of chiral edge modes.
We show that the hybridization of chiral edge modes gives rise to long-lived elementary excitations.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Combining topologically-protected chiral light transport and laser
amplification gives rise to topological lasers, whose operation is immune to
fabrication imperfections and defects, uncovering the role of topology in a
novel nonlinear non-Hermitian regime. We study a topological laser based on the
photonic Haldane model with selective pumping of chiral edge modes described by
saturable gain. We investigate elementary excitations around the mean-field
steady state and their consequences for the coherence properties. In
particular, we show that the hybridization of chiral edge modes gives rise to
long-lived elementary excitations, leading to large phase fluctuations in the
emitted light field and a decrease of light coherence. In contrast to
topologically trivial lasers, the lifetime of elementary excitations is robust
against disorder in topological lasers. However, the lifetime strongly depends
on the edge-mode dispersion around the lasing frequency. As a result, the
lifetime can be reduced by orders of magnitude for lasing of different edge
modes, leading to a suppression of phase fluctuations and larger coherence of
the emitted light. On the other hand, amplitude fluctuations and the
second-order autocorrelation function are moderately increased at the same
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