Fast digital methods for adiabatic state preparation
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- Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2022 20:36:14 GMT
- Title: Fast digital methods for adiabatic state preparation
- Authors: Kianna Wan and Isaac H. Kim
- Abstract summary: We present a quantum algorithm for adiabatic state preparation on a gate-based quantum computer, with complexity polylogarithmic in the inverse error.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We present a quantum algorithm for adiabatic state preparation on a
gate-based quantum computer, with complexity polylogarithmic in the inverse
error. Our algorithm digitally simulates the adiabatic evolution between two
self-adjoint operators $H_0$ and $H_1$, exponentially suppressing the diabatic
error by harnessing the theoretical concept of quasi-adiabatic continuation as
an algorithmic tool. Given an upper bound $\alpha$ on $\|H_0\|$ and $\|H_1\|$
along with the promise that the $k$th eigenstate $|\psi_k(s)\rangle$ of $H(s)
\equiv (1-s)H_0 + sH_1$ is separated from the rest of the spectrum by a gap of
at least $\gamma > 0$ for all $s \in [0,1]$, this algorithm implements an
operator $\widetilde{U}$ such that $\||\psi_k(1)\rangle -
\widetilde{U}|\psi_k(s)\rangle\| \leq \epsilon$ using
$O(\alpha^2/\gamma^2)\text{polylog}(\alpha/\gamma\epsilon)$ queries to
block-encodings of $H_0$ and $H_1$. In addition, we develop an algorithm that
is applicable only to ground states and requires multiple queries to an oracle
that prepares $|\psi_0(0)\rangle$, but has slightly better scaling in all
parameters. We also show that the costs of both algorithms can be further
reduced under certain reasonable conditions, such as when $\|H_1 - H_0\|$ is
small compared to $\alpha$, or when more information about the gap of $H(s)$ is
available. For certain problems, the scaling can even be improved to linear in
$\|H_1 - H_0\|/\gamma$ up to polylogarithmic factors.
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