OpenMix: Reviving Known Knowledge for Discovering Novel Visual
Categories in An Open World
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- Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2020 05:52:39 GMT
- Title: OpenMix: Reviving Known Knowledge for Discovering Novel Visual
Categories in An Open World
- Authors: Zhun Zhong, Linchao Zhu, Zhiming Luo, Shaozi Li, Yi Yang, Nicu Sebe
- Abstract summary: We introduce OpenMix to mix the unlabeled examples from an open set and the labeled examples from known classes.
OpenMix helps to prevent the model from overfitting on unlabeled samples that may be assigned with wrong pseudo-labels.
- Score: 127.64076228829606
- License:
- Abstract: In this paper, we tackle the problem of discovering new classes in unlabeled
visual data given labeled data from disjoint classes. Existing methods
typically first pre-train a model with labeled data, and then identify new
classes in unlabeled data via unsupervised clustering. However, the labeled
data that provide essential knowledge are often underexplored in the second
step. The challenge is that the labeled and unlabeled examples are from
non-overlapping classes, which makes it difficult to build the learning
relationship between them. In this work, we introduce OpenMix to mix the
unlabeled examples from an open set and the labeled examples from known
classes, where their non-overlapping labels and pseudo-labels are
simultaneously mixed into a joint label distribution. OpenMix dynamically
compounds examples in two ways. First, we produce mixed training images by
incorporating labeled examples with unlabeled examples. With the benefits of
unique prior knowledge in novel class discovery, the generated pseudo-labels
will be more credible than the original unlabeled predictions. As a result,
OpenMix helps to prevent the model from overfitting on unlabeled samples that
may be assigned with wrong pseudo-labels. Second, the first way encourages the
unlabeled examples with high class-probabilities to have considerable accuracy.
We introduce these examples as reliable anchors and further integrate them with
unlabeled samples. This enables us to generate more combinations in unlabeled
examples and exploit finer object relations among the new classes. Experiments
on three classification datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed
OpenMix, which is superior to state-of-the-art methods in novel class
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