Local Search is a Remarkably Strong Baseline for Neural Architecture
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2004.08996v3
- Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2020 11:04:47 GMT
- Title: Local Search is a Remarkably Strong Baseline for Neural Architecture
- Authors: T. Den Ottelander, A. Dushatskiy, M. Virgolin, P. A. N. Bosman
- Abstract summary: We consider, for the first time, a simple Local Search (LS) algorithm for Neural Architecture Search (NAS)
We release two benchmark datasets, named MacroNAS-C10 and MacroNAS-C100, containing 200K saved network evaluations for two established image classification tasks.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Neural Architecture Search (NAS), i.e., the automation of neural network
design, has gained much popularity in recent years with increasingly complex
search algorithms being proposed. Yet, solid comparisons with simple baselines
are often missing. At the same time, recent retrospective studies have found
many new algorithms to be no better than random search (RS). In this work we
consider, for the first time, a simple Local Search (LS) algorithm for NAS. We
particularly consider a multi-objective NAS formulation, with network accuracy
and network complexity as two objectives, as understanding the trade-off
between these two objectives is arguably the most interesting aspect of NAS.
The proposed LS algorithm is compared with RS and two evolutionary algorithms
(EAs), as these are often heralded as being ideal for multi-objective
optimization. To promote reproducibility, we create and release two benchmark
datasets, named MacroNAS-C10 and MacroNAS-C100, containing 200K saved network
evaluations for two established image classification tasks, CIFAR-10 and
CIFAR-100. Our benchmarks are designed to be complementary to existing
benchmarks, especially in that they are better suited for multi-objective
search. We additionally consider a version of the problem with a much larger
architecture space. While we find and show that the considered algorithms
explore the search space in fundamentally different ways, we also find that LS
substantially outperforms RS and even performs nearly as good as
state-of-the-art EAs. We believe that this provides strong evidence that LS is
truly a competitive baseline for NAS against which new NAS algorithms should be
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