Adversarial Fooling Beyond "Flipping the Label"
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- Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2020 13:21:03 GMT
- Title: Adversarial Fooling Beyond "Flipping the Label"
- Authors: Konda Reddy Mopuri, Vaisakh Shaj and R. Venkatesh Babu
- Abstract summary: CNNs show near human or better than human performance in many critical tasks.
These attacks are potentially dangerous in real-life deployments.
We present a comprehensive analysis of several important adversarial attacks over a set of distinct CNN architectures.
- Score: 54.23547006072598
- License:
- Abstract: Recent advancements in CNNs have shown remarkable achievements in various
CV/AI applications. Though CNNs show near human or better than human
performance in many critical tasks, they are quite vulnerable to adversarial
attacks. These attacks are potentially dangerous in real-life deployments.
Though there have been many adversarial attacks proposed in recent years, there
is no proper way of quantifying the effectiveness of these attacks. As of
today, mere fooling rate is used for measuring the susceptibility of the
models, or the effectiveness of adversarial attacks. Fooling rate just
considers label flipping and does not consider the cost of such flipping, for
instance, in some deployments, flipping between two species of dogs may not be
as severe as confusing a dog category with that of a vehicle. Therefore, the
metric to quantify the vulnerability of the models should capture the severity
of the flipping as well. In this work we first bring out the drawbacks of the
existing evaluation and propose novel metrics to capture various aspects of the
fooling. Further, for the first time, we present a comprehensive analysis of
several important adversarial attacks over a set of distinct CNN architectures.
We believe that the presented analysis brings valuable insights about the
current adversarial attacks and the CNN models.
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