A Gradient-Aware Search Algorithm for Constrained Markov Decision
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2005.03718v1
- Date: Thu, 7 May 2020 19:38:09 GMT
- Title: A Gradient-Aware Search Algorithm for Constrained Markov Decision
- Authors: Sami Khairy, Prasanna Balaprakash, Lin X. Cai
- Abstract summary: We first prove that the optimization objective in the dual linear program of a finite CMDP is a piece-wise linear convex function with respect to the Lagrange penalty multipliers.
We propose a novel two-level Gradient-Aware Search (GAS) algorithm which exploits the PWLC structure to find the optimal state-value function and Lagrange penalty multipliers of a finite CMDP.
- Score: 9.728259735794987
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The canonical solution methodology for finite constrained Markov decision
processes (CMDPs), where the objective is to maximize the expected
infinite-horizon discounted rewards subject to the expected infinite-horizon
discounted costs constraints, is based on convex linear programming. In this
brief, we first prove that the optimization objective in the dual linear
program of a finite CMDP is a piece-wise linear convex function (PWLC) with
respect to the Lagrange penalty multipliers. Next, we propose a novel two-level
Gradient-Aware Search (GAS) algorithm which exploits the PWLC structure to find
the optimal state-value function and Lagrange penalty multipliers of a finite
CMDP. The proposed algorithm is applied in two stochastic control problems with
constraints: robot navigation in a grid world and solar-powered unmanned aerial
vehicle (UAV)-based wireless network management. We empirically compare the
convergence performance of the proposed GAS algorithm with binary search (BS),
Lagrangian primal-dual optimization (PDO), and Linear Programming (LP).
Compared with benchmark algorithms, it is shown that the proposed GAS algorithm
converges to the optimal solution faster, does not require hyper-parameter
tuning, and is not sensitive to initialization of the Lagrange penalty
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