Surrogate Assisted Optimisation for Travelling Thief Problems
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- Date: Thu, 14 May 2020 02:49:16 GMT
- Title: Surrogate Assisted Optimisation for Travelling Thief Problems
- Authors: Majid Namazi, Conrad Sanderson, M.A. Hakim Newton, Abdul Sattar
- Abstract summary: The travelling thief problem (TTP) is a multi-component optimisation problem involving two interdependent NP-hard components.
Recent state-of-the-art TTP solvers modify the underlying TTP and KP solutions in an iterative and interleaved fashion.
We propose to make the search more efficient through an adaptive surrogate model that learns the characteristics of initial TSP tours that lead to good TTP solutions.
- Score: 14.836145520657592
- License:
- Abstract: The travelling thief problem (TTP) is a multi-component optimisation problem
involving two interdependent NP-hard components: the travelling salesman
problem (TSP) and the knapsack problem (KP). Recent state-of-the-art TTP
solvers modify the underlying TSP and KP solutions in an iterative and
interleaved fashion. The TSP solution (cyclic tour) is typically changed in a
deterministic way, while changes to the KP solution typically involve a random
search, effectively resulting in a quasi-meandering exploration of the TTP
solution space. Once a plateau is reached, the iterative search of the TTP
solution space is restarted by using a new initial TSP tour. We propose to make
the search more efficient through an adaptive surrogate model (based on a
customised form of Support Vector Regression) that learns the characteristics
of initial TSP tours that lead to good TTP solutions. The model is used to
filter out non-promising initial TSP tours, in effect reducing the amount of
time spent to find a good TTP solution. Experiments on a broad range of
benchmark TTP instances indicate that the proposed approach filters out a
considerable number of non-promising initial tours, at the cost of omitting
only a small number of the best TTP solutions.
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