Fair Policy Targeting
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2005.12395v3
- Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2022 18:11:22 GMT
- Title: Fair Policy Targeting
- Authors: Davide Viviano, Jelena Bradic
- Abstract summary: One of the major concerns of targeting interventions on individuals in social welfare programs is discrimination.
This paper addresses the question of the design of fair and efficient treatment allocation rules.
- Score: 0.6091702876917281
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: One of the major concerns of targeting interventions on individuals in social
welfare programs is discrimination: individualized treatments may induce
disparities across sensitive attributes such as age, gender, or race. This
paper addresses the question of the design of fair and efficient treatment
allocation rules. We adopt the non-maleficence perspective of first do no harm:
we select the fairest allocation within the Pareto frontier. We cast the
optimization into a mixed-integer linear program formulation, which can be
solved using off-the-shelf algorithms. We derive regret bounds on the
unfairness of the estimated policy function and small sample guarantees on the
Pareto frontier under general notions of fairness. Finally, we illustrate our
method using an application from education economics.
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