Chaos, Extremism and Optimism: Volume Analysis of Learning in Games
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- Date: Thu, 28 May 2020 13:47:09 GMT
- Title: Chaos, Extremism and Optimism: Volume Analysis of Learning in Games
- Authors: Yun Kuen Cheung and Georgios Piliouras
- Abstract summary: We present volume analyses of Multiplicative Weights Updates (MWU) and Optimistic Multiplicative Weights Updates (OMWU) in zero-sum as well as coordination games.
We show that OMWU contracts volume, providing an alternative understanding for its known convergent behavior.
We also prove a no-free-lunch type of theorem, in the sense that when examining coordination games the roles are reversed: OMWU expands volume exponentially fast, whereas MWU contracts.
- Score: 55.24050445142637
- License:
- Abstract: We present volume analyses of Multiplicative Weights Updates (MWU) and
Optimistic Multiplicative Weights Updates (OMWU) in zero-sum as well as
coordination games. Such analyses provide new insights into these game
dynamical systems, which seem hard to achieve via the classical techniques
within Computer Science and Machine Learning.
The first step is to examine these dynamics not in their original space
(simplex of actions) but in a dual space (aggregate payoff space of actions).
The second step is to explore how the volume of a set of initial conditions
evolves over time when it is pushed forward according to the algorithm. This is
reminiscent of approaches in Evolutionary Game Theory where replicator
dynamics, the continuous-time analogue of MWU, is known to always preserve
volume in all games. Interestingly, when we examine discrete-time dynamics,
both the choice of the game and the choice of the algorithm play a critical
role. So whereas MWU expands volume in zero-sum games and is thus Lyapunov
chaotic, we show that OMWU contracts volume, providing an alternative
understanding for its known convergent behavior. However, we also prove a
no-free-lunch type of theorem, in the sense that when examining coordination
games the roles are reversed: OMWU expands volume exponentially fast, whereas
MWU contracts.
Using these tools, we prove two novel, rather negative properties of MWU in
zero-sum games: (1) Extremism: even in games with unique fully mixed Nash
equilibrium, the system recurrently gets stuck near pure-strategy profiles,
despite them being clearly unstable from game theoretic perspective. (2)
Unavoidability: given any set of good points (with your own interpretation of
"good"), the system cannot avoid bad points indefinitely.
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