Optimal No-Regret Learning in General Games: Bounded Regret with
Unbounded Step-Sizes via Clairvoyant MWU
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.14737v1
- Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2021 17:42:24 GMT
- Title: Optimal No-Regret Learning in General Games: Bounded Regret with
Unbounded Step-Sizes via Clairvoyant MWU
- Authors: Georgios Piliouras, Ryann Sim, Stratis Skoulakis
- Abstract summary: We provide an algorithm that achieves constant regret with fixed step-sizes.
The cumulative regret of our algorithm provably decreases linearly as the step-size increases.
- Score: 27.438327151960657
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: In this paper we solve the problem of no-regret learning in general games.
Specifically, we provide a simple and practical algorithm that achieves
constant regret with fixed step-sizes. The cumulative regret of our algorithm
provably decreases linearly as the step-size increases. Our findings depart
from the prevailing paradigm that vanishing step-sizes are a prerequisite for
low regret as championed by all state-of-the-art methods to date.
We shift away from this paradigm by defining a novel algorithm that we call
Clairvoyant Multiplicative Weights Updates (CMWU). CMWU is Multiplicative
Weights Updates (MWU) equipped with a mental model (jointly shared across all
agents) about the state of the system in its next period. Each agent records
its mixed strategy, i.e., its belief about what it expects to play in the next
period, in this shared mental model which is internally updated using MWU
without any changes to the real-world behavior up until it equilibrates, thus
marking its consistency with the next day's real-world outcome. It is then and
only then that agents take action in the real-world, effectively doing so with
the ``full knowledge" of the state of the system on the next day, i.e., they
are clairvoyant. CMWU effectively acts as MWU with one day look-ahead,
achieving bounded regret. At a technical level, we establish that
self-consistent mental models exist for any choice of step-sizes and provide
bounds on the step-size under which their uniqueness and linear-time
computation are guaranteed via contraction mapping arguments. Our arguments
extend well beyond normal-form games with little effort.
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