Robust estimation via generalized quasi-gradients
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- Date: Thu, 28 May 2020 15:14:33 GMT
- Title: Robust estimation via generalized quasi-gradients
- Authors: Banghua Zhu, Jiantao Jiao and Jacob Steinhardt
- Abstract summary: We show why many recently proposed robust estimation problems are efficiently solvable.
We identify the existence of "generalized quasi-gradients"
We show that generalized quasi-gradients exist and construct efficient algorithms.
- Score: 28.292300073453877
- License:
- Abstract: We explore why many recently proposed robust estimation problems are
efficiently solvable, even though the underlying optimization problems are
non-convex. We study the loss landscape of these robust estimation problems,
and identify the existence of "generalized quasi-gradients". Whenever these
quasi-gradients exist, a large family of low-regret algorithms are guaranteed
to approximate the global minimum; this includes the commonly-used filtering
For robust mean estimation of distributions under bounded covariance, we show
that any first-order stationary point of the associated optimization problem is
an {approximate global minimum} if and only if the corruption level $\epsilon <
1/3$. Consequently, any optimization algorithm that aproaches a stationary
point yields an efficient robust estimator with breakdown point $1/3$. With
careful initialization and step size, we improve this to $1/2$, which is
For other tasks, including linear regression and joint mean and covariance
estimation, the loss landscape is more rugged: there are stationary points
arbitrarily far from the global minimum. Nevertheless, we show that generalized
quasi-gradients exist and construct efficient algorithms. These algorithms are
simpler than previous ones in the literature, and for linear regression we
improve the estimation error from $O(\sqrt{\epsilon})$ to the optimal rate of
$O(\epsilon)$ for small $\epsilon$ assuming certified hypercontractivity. For
mean estimation with near-identity covariance, we show that a simple gradient
descent algorithm achieves breakdown point $1/3$ and iteration complexity
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