Gluon Field Digitization via Group Space Decimation for Quantum
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- Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2020 22:17:23 GMT
- Title: Gluon Field Digitization via Group Space Decimation for Quantum
- Authors: Yao Ji, Henry Lamm, Shuchen Zhu (for the NuQS Collaboration)
- Abstract summary: Scheme based on discrete subgroups use fewer qubits at the cost of systematic errors.
We systematize this approach by deriving a single plaquette action for approximating general continuous gauge groups.
We accompany the scheme by simulations of pure gauge over the largest discrete subgroup of $SU(3)$ up to the third order.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Efficient digitization is required for quantum simulations of gauge theories.
Schemes based on discrete subgroups use fewer qubits at the cost of systematic
errors. We systematize this approach by deriving a single plaquette action for
approximating general continuous gauge groups through integrating out field
fluctuations. This provides insight into the effectiveness of these
approximations, and how they could be improved. We accompany the scheme by
simulations of pure gauge over the largest discrete subgroup of $SU(3)$ up to
the third order.
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